Meditation with Raphael
A path to self-transcendence via guided vibrational meditation (VM) and contemplation on the big questions of life. The goal of this podcast is to help listeners transcend who they are today, to who they are capable of being at their true potential. Have a glimpse of you, the REAL you, the highest version of YOU, by practicing meditative techniques, mindfulness exercises, and contemplation on the big questions of our existence. Vibrational Meditation (VM) was designed by Raphael Reiter, a self-transcendence coach, lover of wisdom, and meditation guide. More info on
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
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The theme for today’s morning show is how one idea can literally change our lives. The key to unlocking your potential is to have that one more idea, that one small nugget of inspiration. We are going to continue studying the book Leading an inspired life by Jim Rohn, and we are going to figure out how to apply his wisdom on unlocking our full potential, fishing for ideas, and much more.
Before we get started, let’s take a look at this morning’s summary:
1. In part 1, we will be reading a passage from Jim Rohn’s book “Leading an inspired life”. We will then analyze how we can apply what we learned in our daily lives
2. In part 2, we will take out our journals and do some exercises to help us unlock our potential starting today
3. Part 3 I will guide you through a visualization exercise, to get what we learn today to really sink in inside of you so that you are ready to apply it starting today
4. Part 4 we will do our daily guided meditation in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day
5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud
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Monday Jun 08, 2020
JIM ROHN: The key to perseverance [Coffee With Raph Episode 11]
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
JIM ROHN: The key to perseverance [Coffee With Raph Episode 11]
If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
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Being able to persevere, in work like in life, is a skill. If you have a hard time following through, and continuing on a long term path, then this episode will help you. We will identify what is the key to perseverance as Jim Rohn, a personal development pioneer explains it. His wisdom will be backed up by Angela Duckworth from her book “grit” and by Michelle Gielan from her book “Broadcasting happiness” I’m really excited to get started, as this wisdom has helped me a lot in my personal and professional life, and I am looking forward to sharing it with you so that you can apply it, starting TODAY.
But first, let’s have a look at this morning’s summary
1. In part one, we will read a passage from Jim Rohn’s famous book “Leading an inspired life”, and make parallels with Angela Duckworth’s concept of Grit and Michelle Gielan’s concept of perseverance while creating happiness for yourself and the people around you
2. Part 2, we will journal with some questions ask directly by Jim Rohn himself! Remember that in order to get powerful answers, we need to ask powerful questions. This is what we will be doing here today.
3. Part 3 I will guide you through a visualization exercise, to get what we learn today to really sink in inside of you so that you are ready to apply it starting today
4. Part 4 we will do our daily guided meditation in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day
5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud
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Friday Jun 05, 2020
Jim Rohn: The Law Of Diminishing Intent
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
JIM ROHN: The Law of Diminishing Intent [Coffee With Raph Episode 10]
If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
Check our the Book recommendation list: https://www.raphaelreiter/books
Have you ever been super fired up about an idea, created motivation and inspiration for something, and then waited too long, diminishing your willpower and not take action at all? This happened to me many times. I get myself pumped up for something, procrastinate or wait a bit too long, and then, I’m just not pumped up anymore, and don't get it done. Even though I KNOW it still is valid and still has a huge potential to my life.
This will be the theme for today’s episode, as we dig into to some wisdom by Jim Rohn. This phenomenon is what he calls “The law of diminishing intent”. Jim Rohn was one of the leading personalities of the self-help and personal development movements in the 20th century. He was the mentor and guru of people such as best selling author Darren Hardy, Tony Robbins himself, and many more. His old school stayed books are just one quote after another, and it is really motivating and inspiring.
Let’s get started on today’s morning routine, but before we do, let’s have a look at today’s summary:
1. In part 1, we will be reading a passage from Jim Rohn’s best selling book titled “Leading an inspiring life”. We will dig into this phenomenon mentioned earlier called “the law of diminishing intent” and we will make sure this never happens to us again! What a pity to waste your ideas and inspirations.
2. Part 2, we will journal about this piece of wisdom, and exercise our brains on the law of diminishing intent
3. Part 3 I will guide you through a visualization exercise, to get what we learn today to really sink in inside of you so that you are ready to apply it starting today
4. Part 4 we will do our daily guided meditation in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day
5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud.
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Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Don't let them control your mind!
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
Check our the Book recommendation list: https://www.raphaelreiter/books
You wouldn’t want to be a slave and work for free. You wouldn’t let anybody dispose of your body as they please, making you do things you don't want to do. You wouldn’t let people push you and get you to do physical labor for no pay or no reward. So WHY don't you care every time some random person takes control over your mind with an insult or a petty comment, of your attention with Facebook and Instagram and Twitter.
Today we are going to have a look at who is in our heads, and what to do about it
Let’s start with our summary for this morning:
1. In part 1, we will continue reading passages from Epictetus’s Enchiridion, and adding to that wisdom we will read a passage by Puma Chodron, from her book “The places That scare you"
2. Part 2, we will ponder about this and journal about it together, making sure we can apply what we learn
3. I will be guiding you through a visualisation as a practical demonstration of how to apply what we are learning today
4. I will then guide you through a meditation, in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day
5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud
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Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Prepare to be ridiculed!
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
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https://www.raphaelreiter/books P
In French there is a famous saying that says: “Le ridicule ne tue pas”. This means that being ridiculous won’t kill you. And that is a good thing, because today, I am going to show you how you will probably be ridiculed at some point very soon, and because you expect it, because you are prepared for it, you can accept it and embrace it as an experience in and of itself.
Let’s take a look at today’s summary!
1. In part one, we will read a passage from the Enchiridion by Epictetus, stoic philosopher, and reinforce his wonderful wisdom with a passage from the “Tao Te Ching” by Lao-tzu 2.
In part 2, we will take our journals out and do a couple of exercises to make this wisdom sink in at a deeper level, and finding ways of applying it in your own lives
3. I will be guiding you through a visualisation as a practical demonstration of how to apply what we are learning today
4. I will then guide you through a meditation, in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day
5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud.
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Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Don't fight with reality!
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
Check our the Book recommendation list: https://www.raphaelreiter/books
On this channel, we talk a lot about the gap that separates who we are today, and who we are capable of being at our highest potential. In order to start working on reducing that gap, we first need to ACCEPT where we are at this moment. Only then, can we act, move forward in the pursuit of our highest self, and drive ourselves towards our true capabilities. In today’s episode, we will talk about who we need to stop fighting our current reality if we want to change our future reality.
But first, here is today’s full summary
1. In part one, we will read mini passages from Epictetus’s Enchiridion, Eckhart Tolle’s famous book the “Power of Now”, Byton Katie’s book “Loving what is” and of course a quote by Marcus Aurelius. It sounds like a lot I know, but they are tiny passages and quotes that will help us grasp this concept for today’s morning show.
2. Part two, we will journal and apply what we have learned
3. I will be guiding you through visualization as a practical demonstration of how to apply what we are learning today
4. I will then guide you through a meditation, in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day
5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud
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Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
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How is your response ability? The way you respond to things?
Yesterday, we took a look at some stoic wisdom and studied how it is not the event that creates the response, it’s how we interpret the event or as Epictetus puts it, our “opinion” that determines everything. If the event itself was the culprit, then we would indeed all react the same way to everything, which of course, is false. In today’s morning show, we will take a look at how Osho and Jack Canfield interpret that concept of response ability. Our ability to respond is really what determines the outcome.
But before we get started, lets have a look at today’s summary:
1. In part one, we will study Osho and Jack Canefilds interpretations of response ability.
2. We will then reflect, ponder, and journal about our own response ability, through some questions and exercises.
3. I will be guiding you through visualization as a practical demonstration of how to apply what we are learning today
4. I will then guide you through a meditation, in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day
5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud.
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Friday May 29, 2020
What is your OPINION? - Epictetus [EPISODE 5]
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
Check our the Book recommendation list: https://www.raphaelreiter/books
How you react to things really showcases who you are, deep down as a person. In today’s episode, we are going to dig in some more stoic wisdom from Epictetus’s Enchiridion and talk about a core precept of Stoicism.
I quote: “Men are disturbed not by the opinions about the things which happen, but by the opinions about the things”
I’m excited to get started so let’s jump straight into today’s summary!
1. In part one, we will be reading a passage from Epictuts’s enchiridion, that will help us realize that the outcome of an event really depends on your reaction to it!
2. In part 2, we will journal and ask ourselves the question: are we response able, or do we fall into the victimization profile?
3. Part 3 will be about guiding you through a visualization to get that concept to sink in within yourself
4. Part 4 will be a guided meditation for you to create calm energy and hit the day with panache
5. In part 5, we will get some empowering affirmations, to get you pumped to start the day and live your day with absolute passion
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Thursday May 28, 2020
If you can't control it, you have to LET IT GO - Epictetus
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
Check our the Book recommendation list: https://www.raphaelreiter/books
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are stressed out from something that you cannot control? I know I have.
Does this worry sometimes go to an extreme, where you find yourself mumbling in your head?
Saying things such as I should have done this, or I could have done that. This video was scripted in the middle of a pandemic quarantine. It is normal to worry about things, but to what extent? What is the line, what is the limit? Is this stress productive or counterproductive? In today’s video, we are going to work on letting go of stress over things that we do not have control of.
The person that will help us here, is our stoic philosopher friend, Epictetus, from his book the Enchiridion. He is going to teach us how to let go of what we cannot control, creating space in our minds and peace in our hearts. But not only that, we will find out what is actually worth worrying about, and how to handle stress.
But before, let’s start with today’s summary:
1. Theory and Action: we will be reading a passage from Epictetus’s Enchiridion, a pioneer of stoic philosophy, born a slave in 55 AD. What a guy. Every passage of his books is quotable. We will then do some exercises on how to handle stress and worry, according to his wisdom
2. Journaling: We will be journaling on what we have learned here with some cool exercises to make sure that this wisdom sinks in your everyday lives
3. I will be guiding you through visualization as a practical demonstration of how to apply what we are learning today
4. I will then guide you through a meditation, in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day
5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud.
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Wednesday May 27, 2020
Perfection is DEATH - embrace who you are today | Epictetus
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
If you have enjoyed this episode and want to contribute to my caffeine intake, you can buy me a coffee here:
Check our the Book recommendation list: https://www.raphaelreiter/books
We need to work hard to close that gap between who we are, and who we are capable of being. If the thought of becoming that person is overwhelming you, don’t worry. Nobody is perfect. In fact, being a perfectionist is being illusional. Perfection doesn’t exist. Perfectionists often suffer a lot because they are trying to obtain the impossible. Closing the gap between who we are and who we know we can become, is an endless journey. The more we grow, the more things we understand, and the more we will have the need to move forward. Always move forward, and it doesn’t even matter if there is no end destination.
Today is our last episode, at least for now, on the wisdom of Abraham Maslow’s book “Motivation and Personality” and we will talk about 3 main things:
1. No one’s perfect, 2 the importance of gratitude, and 3 your extended family of self-actualizing people.
But first, here is the summary for today!
1. Theory and Action: Following Maslow’s wisdom, we will demystify perfection, embody a state of gratitude, and realize that we are part of an extended family of self-actualizers, and we will take action with a really important exercise that will lead us to part 2:
2. Journaling: We will journal one of the exercises that we got from today’s piece of wisdom. It is extremely important that you follow through and do the exercise with us!
3. I will guide you through a visualization to get the wisdom of the day to deeply sink in
4. I will then guide you through a meditation, in order to create space in our minds, as well as what I like to describe as calm energy, to help you focus and thrive during the day
5. We will finish off with some empowering affirmations that I will ask you to repeat out loud.
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