Meditation with Raphael
A path to self-transcendence via guided vibrational meditation (VM) and contemplation on the big questions of life. The goal of this podcast is to help listeners transcend who they are today, to who they are capable of being at their true potential. Have a glimpse of you, the REAL you, the highest version of YOU, by practicing meditative techniques, mindfulness exercises, and contemplation on the big questions of our existence. Vibrational Meditation (VM) was designed by Raphael Reiter, a self-transcendence coach, lover of wisdom, and meditation guide. More info on
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Guided Meditation for transcendence - transcendental experience
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Guided Meditation - Transcendental experience daily with Raphael
New day, new meditation. This vibrational meditation will guide you to a feeling and state of transcendence. Beyond who you think you are to who you really are. If you have enjoyed this meditation and would like to reward me with a coffee: sign up for my FREE WEEKLY LETTER, visit my website:
Sign up for the Transcendence in Meditation course with 50% off by following this link:
Get exclusive DAILY MEDITATIONS + LIVE Zoom sessions and more by becoming a Patron for the channel on
This guided meditation for transcendence or vibrational meditation was designed to help the listener transcend beyond thoughts and ego.
By adopting a passive attitude and putting a simple sound on the foreground of our minds, we are able to go beyond the ideas and thoughts of ourselves in order to experience who we really are at our most natural states.
It is very important to release expectations during this guided meditation. Release your opinions and your judgements so that you can get to this transcendental experience.
This vibration uses binaural beats to enhance the quality of your experience.
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Joy for human beings lie in proper human work
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
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Daily message podcast transcript:
Joy for human beings lies in proper human work
"Joy for human beings lies in proper human work. And proper human work consists in: acts of kindness to other human beings, disdain for the stirrings of the senses, identifying trustworthy impressions, and contemplating the natural order and all that happens in keeping with it." - Marcus Aurelius
The stoics believed that Joy, true unshakeable inner Joy, was to be differentiated from fleeting, impermanent moments of happiness from overeating, over-drinking, over fu*king, and overspending on luxurious experiences and objects. For them, Joy came from living life in symbiosis with the logical flow of Nature (Logos) (soooo similar to the Tao.)
The Summum Bonum - the highest good - for the Stoics was indeed to live with a good soul (Eudaimonia) with the purpose of serving the community, the empire, and all the citizens of the world. Duty was more critical than purpose, and this is what we should focus on, as purpose has too much engagement from our Egos.
And so the question is this: Do you serve your team, your products, your company, and your colleagues in a way that can bring you true joy? Remember that "Joy for human beings lies in proper human work." Freud said that too, much later, explaining that there were two essential human needs: Love (+ sex) and Work. Another story for another time.
For today, focus on what really matters in your work. Prioritize in a way that makes your duties a better workplace, serving your team as a true leader naturally does.
I have just launched a brand new newsletter on an empathy-driven, “holistic” approach to leadership. If you want to receive daily short articles directly in your inbox (no spam guaranteed) then please sign up below. Thanks for your support, and I patiently wait for your feedback!
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Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
#2 | Choose your handle wisely - Daily Message with Raphael Reiter
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Subscribe here to my FREE daily messages, directly in your inbox (+ bonuses!)
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Daily message podcast transcript:
Choose your handle wisely
“Every event has two handles—one by which it can be carried, and one by which it can’t. If your brother does you wrong, don’t grab it by his wronging, because this is the handle incapable of lifting it. Instead, use the other—that he is your brother, that you were raised together, and then you will have hold of the handle that carries.” - Epictetus
For every challenge, we must train our minds to see the different ways of handling a situation. Epictetus is trying to teach us here, or be made aware of, that if you focus on the negative handle, you will get a negative result. But, on the other hand, if you commit to finding the positive in a situation by acting with temperance, wisdom, courage, compassion, and love, then you are more likely to be in a mindset that will enable you to find the best solution possible.
If you are trying to quit smoking, for example, you might have this voice in your head: "Just one last one, I really want to smoke. It's so hard to quit, to give up the habit. I miss it." Or you can have another voice that says: "I didn't quit smoking; I started breathing properly again. Now I can run with my kid for more than 5 seconds without spitting out charcoal."
You get to choose what voice you focus on. It doesn't matter if you hear both. You have the freedom to listen to just one.
To finish off, I think it's important to mention that Epictetus is not telling us always to be super positive and act like blind optimists. Instead, he is telling you that there are different perceptions of a single situation and that you have control over your interpretations of events. Else, that makes you a victim of life. So control your perceptions and direct your actions willingly.
Monday Jan 02, 2023
#1 - Intro to Mind Time Blocks | Daily Message with Raphael Reiter
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Subscribe here to my FREE daily messages, directly in your inbox (+ bonuses!)
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Daily message podcast transcript:
Today, I am introducing you to the concept of Mind Time Blocks, which I might refer to as well from time to time as Thoughts Time Blocks. The concept is simple, but practicing it is extremely powerful (and important) For context, I started designing these MTBs as I struggled with sleep. I had always considered myself an "insomniac," and it became part of my identity. It's not - not sleeping is NOT natural. You NEED to sleep. (If you are struggling to sleep, let me know, and I will send you some tips and resources.) I was able to heal this "sleep disease" through different techniques, one of which is the most efficient one, not only for myself but also for clients in my 1 on 1 coaching that also have struggled with sleep. The concept is simple, but as with all powerful things, it will take time to master that skill, so be patient. Think of it as directly applying what we do when we meditate. Meditating daily, preferably twice daily, will help you train your mind and make that technique easier. It can be applied for sleep, stress, focus, peak performance, deep presence with loved ones, and anywhere you wish. Also, it is free to use and has no unwanted side effects 🙂 Here is the thought behind the process: when I ask my clients why they can't sleep, even when they are exhausted, most answer without hesitation: "I cannot stop thinking." After some consultation, we figured that it is not because they are overthinking that they cannot sleep, but rather because they are thinking about things that simulate their emotional or intellectual response. For example, suppose you are continuously going down rabbit holes in your mind or trying to solve the world's biggest problems (especially when you start thinking that you might have a solution!). In that case, you will surely never fall asleep. Come in the MTBs. If you are an iOS / Mac/apple user, you might have seen the new functionality on focus automations. If you are not, here is what they are briefly: You can set it on your devices when certain apps can be used and others will be hidden. Recently, they have also introduced filters, which I use A LOT. That means that during a specific time, you can choose what calendar you can see or what inbox (work, for example) is hidden during certain times. More on that in another message. The MTBs work in a similar fashion. You can choose what you are allowing yourself to think about during specific times (or days). When you find yourself thinking about a topic that is "forbidden" (that's a harsh word), you go back gently to a topic you are allowed to think about. Sounds familiar? If you have ever done one of my guided meditations, it should sound SUPER familiar because this is exactly what we practice. We focus our attention on a sound (or word, phrase or mantra, or our breath), and when we find ourselves lost in thoughts, we catch ourselves and go back to the anchor. An anchor is like on a boat: it helps us avoid our minds drifting away in a wild ocean of uncontrollable thoughts. What you think about and when you think about is up to you. I have set a few "algorithms" in my mind. For example, I only think about work within a time block. When I am with my kids, I practice full presence, so if a work thought comes, I tell it: "not now. Come back later. I am with my kids." Yes, if it is super duper important and you are scared to forget, you can take a quick note to check later (during your work mind time block). Still, with time and practice (consistent practice), your work ideas will come during your work time, your creative ideas will come when you allow space to be within, and so on. Last point here - for the MTBs to be more accessible, you must prepare for them. We will talk about this later (MTB prompts, trigger, and kryptonite) **For now, try it out. Here is your homework for today:** Write down a structure for your typical day, or take your already-made schedule or calendar. Then, during each item, write an MTB. What are you allowing yourself to think about during that event, during that task? Tap reply and let me know how it goes. I'm considering creating a three weeks crash course on the subject. However, I would like it to be in a small group, so if you are interested in participating, let me know, and I will put you on the list. If there are too many of you, we will do multiple small groups.
Friday Dec 30, 2022
IMPORTANT End of Year Message - No Goals for 2023!
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
To subscribe to my free daily messages, sign up at
You are the World video:
Today I want to share a few insights from my personal journaling sessions and introspections.
I used to be really big on goals; I would always say: if you don’t have a target, you are shooting blanks.
Lately, I have changed my opinions and tried it for myself. The year where i had the most “success” (whatever success might mean for me or for you) was the year where I had not set a single goal. Here is a quote from my personal journal, that I then went on to set as a daily reminder during my morning rituals:
“Track your progress so that you can adapt your processes - do not set a goal because it will either limit your potential or set you up for failure. Focus on finding out where you are in that very moment and how you can break the wall”
That doesn’t mean that I “go with the flow” every day, and see what happens. I have huge clarity on what I must do and who I must be. I also contemplate that each day multiple times. I know which virtues I need to prioritize and what actions I must take to uphold these virtues while continuously chizzle my character in order for me to live the good life, with a good soul, and in service to others and to the common good.
I just focus on my impressions, on what I can control, on my purpose, on my duty and I listen to my heart. Outcomes will be, maybe, a byproduct of going deep and focusing on substance. It’s very much like in meditation. You don’t meditate to obtain enlightenment, else you are too focused on the very ego you are aiming to transcend. You also get stuck in expectations of something extraordinary that you have never experienced before. You wouldn’t crave an apple if you had never had one and dind’t know what it tasted like, would you?
It is the same with the goals that we often set for ourselves in the new year (and forget mid-january):
I want to earn more money —> forget the money, focus on doing your best work and money might come. Focus on making more money and nothing will come, guaranteed.
I want to lose weight —> forget about losing weight, rather focus on what you are putting in your body every time you open your mouth. Is this a healthy choice? are you eating out of hunger or greed? When is the last time you have truly felt hunger? Focus on your energy, your vibrancy. Focus on perpetual movement within our sedentary lives, work on functional movements, focus on the waves between strain and recovery.
I want a family / a relationship —> if you focus on what you want, you won’t get it. Focus on giving love, every day and to everyone you meet. Work on empathy, on compassion, on encouragement. Give love, and maybe, you will receive love. Crave love, expect people to give you love, be a “love-entitled person ”and you will be alone. Because love is not about you, it is about the people you give love to.
I want more, I want better, I want different. Ok, but could you be happy with less? Could you be joyful in simplicity? Could you take what you already have AS granted as opposed to FOR granted?
We live in the age of entitlement. We are cold? we turn up the heat without the blink of a thought. We are hot? turn on the AC. We are not hungry but it’s diner time? we eat, often too much. We have a night off? we drink, often too much. We don’t like our jobs? we quit and find a new one in a day. We are sick? we have a small headache? we take a pill. We want to travel? book a cheap flight.
But what about your heart in all this, what about your soul?
And so in 2023, do me a favor and delete all the messages you get with new goals and resolutions and “achieve great success” plans and blueprints.
Number 1: Focus on your character. Prioritize virtue. Don’t act like a coward, face adversity with courage.
Number 2. Simplify. Get rid of what doesn’t matter. If you knew today was your last day on earth, would you do that task? would you give that phone call? open that email? talk to this person?
Number 3: Focus on your work. Purpose should be led by duty - for you have no purpose if you are not in service of others. Serve with all your heart, and maybe you will reap the benefits as a byproduct. People pay for value, not to validate your ego. Work is something you can control. The outcome of that work is not.
Number 4: Think of the common good. Take this quote by Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome and tatoo it on your forehead (don’t do that):
“Life is short — the fruit of this life is a good character and acts for the common good.”
Number 5: Take it easy. Relax. Focus on virtue and value and all that, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a goodie goodie all the time. Engage in distractions. Make mistakes. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Remember Goethe’s quote we talked about previously:
“It is a great failing to see yourself as more than you are”.
It doesn’t mean you are not awesome, you are, for you are the world (watch this video to remind yourself of that fact.) But leave the ego aside for a bit. It probably needs a break anyway.
Number 6: Remember death. Memento Mori. You could leave life right now. This task could be your last. Make it count. This day might be your last, do what is important.
Number 7: Let the f go. If it’s not something you can control, and you rarely can, then don’t waste your energy on it. Epictetus reminds us:
“From the very beginning, make it your practice to say to every harsh impression, ‘you are an impression and not at all what you appear to be.’ Next, examine and test it by the rules you possess, the first and greatest of which is this—whether it belongs to the things in our control or not in our control, and if the latter, be prepared to respond, ‘It is nothing to me.’”
That’s all folks, I will probably not be in touch again until the new year. Don’t put too much importance on that day. It is just a new day, like each day is granted to us as new and fresh, with opportunities, challenges, and everything that makes life, life.
Take care of your loved ones.
Take care of strangers.
Take care of Nature.
Remember that if you are not serving, well you are not very useful. Joy comes from making other people happy, and helping them in their life journeys. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a health care provider, a guide, a cleaner, or a guardian of the peace; think about the people you are serving, and be proud of that. Well, not too proud.
Love + Soul HUGS!Raphael
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Vibrational Guided Meditation for transcendental journey
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Guided Meditation - Transcendental experience daily with Raphael
New day, new meditation. This vibrational meditation will guide you to a feeling and state of transcendence. Beyond who you think you are to who you really are. If you have enjoyed this meditation and would like to reward me with a coffee: sign up for my FREE WEEKLY LETTER, visit my website:
Sign up for the Transcendence in Meditation course with 50% off by following this link:
Get exclusive DAILY MEDITATIONS + LIVE Zoom sessions and more by becoming a Patron for the channel on
This guided meditation for transcendence or vibrational meditation was designed to help the listener transcend beyond thoughts and ego.
By adopting a passive attitude and putting a simple sound on the foreground of our minds, we are able to go beyond the ideas and thoughts of ourselves in order to experience who we really are at our most natural states.
It is very important to release expectations during this guided meditation. Release your opinions and your judgements so that you can get to this transcendental experience.
This vibration uses binaural beats to enhance the quality of your experience.
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Guided meditation for transcendence + contemplation prompt
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Guided Meditation - Transcendental experience daily with Raphael
New day, new meditation. This vibrational meditation will guide you to a feeling and state of transcendence. Beyond who you think you are to who you really are. If you have enjoyed this meditation and would like to reward me with a coffee: sign up for my FREE WEEKLY LETTER, visit my website:
Sign up for the Transcendence in Meditation course with 50% off by following this link:
Get exclusive DAILY MEDITATIONS + LIVE Zoom sessions and more by becoming a Patron for the channel on
This guided meditation for transcendence or vibrational meditation was designed to help the listener transcend beyond thoughts and ego.
By adopting a passive attitude and putting a simple sound on the foreground of our minds, we are able to go beyond the ideas and thoughts of ourselves in order to experience who we really are at our most natural states.
It is very important to release expectations during this guided meditation. Release your opinions and your judgements so that you can get to this transcendental experience.
This vibration uses binaural beats to enhance the quality of your experience.
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Transcendent Meditation - Guided and Vibrational
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Guided Meditation - Transcendental experience daily with Raphael
New day, new meditation. This vibrational meditation will guide you to a feeling and state of transcendence. Beyond who you think you are to who you really are. If you have enjoyed this meditation and would like to reward me with a coffee: sign up for my FREE WEEKLY LETTER, visit my website:
Sign up for the Transcendence in Meditation course with 50% off by following this link:
Get exclusive DAILY MEDITATIONS + LIVE Zoom sessions and more by becoming a Patron for the channel on
This guided meditation for transcendence or vibrational meditation was designed to help the listener transcend beyond thoughts and ego.
By adopting a passive attitude and putting a simple sound on the foreground of our minds, we are able to go beyond the ideas and thoughts of ourselves in order to experience who we really are at our most natural states.
It is very important to release expectations during this guided meditation. Release your opinions and your judgements so that you can get to this transcendental experience.
This vibration uses binaural beats to enhance the quality of your experience.
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Guided meditation - reconnecting with your true nature
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Guided Meditation - Transcendental experience daily with Raphael
New day, new meditation. This vibrational meditation will guide you to a feeling and state of transcendence. Beyond who you think you are to who you really are. If you have enjoyed this meditation and would like to reward me with a coffee: sign up for my FREE WEEKLY LETTER, visit my website:
Sign up for the Transcendence in Meditation course with 50% off by following this link:
Get exclusive DAILY MEDITATIONS + LIVE Zoom sessions and more by becoming a Patron for the channel on
This guided meditation for transcendence or vibrational meditation was designed to help the listener transcend beyond thoughts and ego.
By adopting a passive attitude and putting a simple sound on the foreground of our minds, we are able to go beyond the ideas and thoughts of ourselves in order to experience who we really are at our most natural states.
It is very important to release expectations during this guided meditation. Release your opinions and your judgements so that you can get to this transcendental experience.
This vibration uses binaural beats to enhance the quality of your experience.
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Vibrational Guided meditation with Raphael
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Guided Meditation - Transcendental experience daily with Raphael
New day, new meditation. This vibrational meditation will guide you to a feeling and state of transcendence. Beyond who you think you are to who you really are. If you have enjoyed this meditation and would like to reward me with a coffee: sign up for my FREE WEEKLY LETTER, visit my website:
Sign up for the Transcendence in Meditation course with 50% off by following this link:
Get exclusive DAILY MEDITATIONS + LIVE Zoom sessions and more by becoming a Patron for the channel on
This guided meditation for transcendence or vibrational meditation was designed to help the listener transcend beyond thoughts and ego.
By adopting a passive attitude and putting a simple sound on the foreground of our minds, we are able to go beyond the ideas and thoughts of ourselves in order to experience who we really are at our most natural states.
It is very important to release expectations during this guided meditation. Release your opinions and your judgements so that you can get to this transcendental experience.
This vibration uses binaural beats to enhance the quality of your experience.